

Asgabat club



About activity of Club

Activity Ashgabat of Club " Ynam " is carried out strictly according to the purposes declared in our Charter and problems (tasks). She (it) consists in carrying out of free-of-charge consultations of the lawyer and the psychologist for citizens and other persons. Consultations of the psychologist and the lawyer are given at internal meetings and by phone of "trust". Priority position in granting consultations plays phone of "trust".
It speaks many circumstances. The first and most, probably, the main thing will be that it is very convenient first of all for the person, wishing to consult. Agree, it is always much more convenient before somewhere to go, all over again to learn (find out) all about activity of establishment where you are going to address. The majority of people in a daily life and do (make), whenever possible we first of all use the most convenient way of the communications - phone. Therefore in itself functioning of phone is first of all conveniently and quickly. Practice of work of our Club on phone of "trust" constantly confirms validity of this conclusion. Phone plays a key role in precise and expedient use of our time and time of the most addressed. In fact frequently it happens so, that the person addresses to the wrong address and it (he) should address in other establishment. In this case it(he) should not spend superfluous hours on visiting of our Club, it(he) can simply call, ask and the expert, having defined(determined) advises a direction of the reference(manipulation) to this person where it is more expedient to address to it(him). In this case we can speak that our phone acts as help.
Other moment which also promotes correct and rational planning of an operating time of experts of Club, this use of phone for primary consultations. A great bulk of the persons addressing to us all over again pass a stage of the primary reference (manipulation) by phone of "trust". These consultations have more likely fact-finding character. The expert gets acquainted on with addressed, and with his (its) problem and \ or with that or other question with which it (he) has addressed. On these primary consultations occurs, first, - whether definition to the address the person has addressed. If the person has addressed to the wrong address, to it (him) explain, where it (he) should address. So, to us relatives, members of family's mentally sick people or these people frequently call. Relatives or members of family of patient's chronic narcosis call. It speaks elementary illiteracy. Many are for some reason inclined to think, that the social psychologist working on a telephone hotline, he/she is the psychiatrist. To have to explain an inaccuracy of such opinion and to advise to address in corresponding medical institutions. In these cases functioning of phone essentially facilitates our work.
Second, there is a correspondence acquaintance addressed with the person, obeying it (him) on that end of a wire. It, however, at all does not mean, that interlocutors should be represented. In this case at them at both equal rights to be represented whether or not, to be represented by assumed names, or pseudonyms, or to not be represented at all, and to remain anonymous interlocutors. As a rule at this first, correspondence acquaintance, interlocutors use an opportunity to remain unknown each other, i.e. anonymous. It and is clear, what for to open itself if you can not there has got, or in general will decide not to address further. Or you do not dare to declare openly the name and, that this problem, concerns you. In these cases phone of "trust" in all completeness carries out function of anonymity addressed, т. To. The person, even already is not known because interlocutors do not see each other and the more so with accuracy do not know each other.
Thirdly, primary consultations allow to make first steps in rendering assistance to the addressed person in the decision of his(its) personal problems. More often these primary consultations do not become single, on the contrary they can be numerous and rather long. On it has strong influence determination of the person, to be more frank and sincere before the expert. Only after the barrier cautious "to looked" to the adviser through phone is gone, the person, as a rule, dares to come for reception of internal consultation.
Thus, frequently phone of "trust" plays function, so-called, first acquaintance. But besides it(he) carries out set of irreplaceable functions by granting consultations. It(he) also plays also a role only technical when it is necessary for us to inform addressed when and during what time it is better to it(him) to come on internal consultation. Frequently it(he), suddenly, turns to help phone. The most important function it is possible to name so - an opportunity of preservation of uncertainty of the addressed person, i.e. his(its) anonymity.
At the same time not less important function of phone of "trust" - granting of consultations. Many people cannot talk about the problems to the alive person. It is easier to them to speak by virtue of set of the objective and subjective reasons with a voice in a telephone tube. Only so they can trust, only so they can be true. And therefore only so, they can find the help in the decision of the problems. Recollect, how many time in your life happened so, that you absolutely easy tell completely to the stranger, for example, to the fellow travelers about yourselves and the secrets, including about family and personal problems. Never you will tell about them to familiar people, never you are solved on it only because these people are familiar to you also you can meet them in the daily life. In this case you are afraid, that your secrets stated by you can be used against you. And to the stranger tell, well it is literally from it(her). And all only because are sure, that you never will see this person, and it(he) never learns(finds out) about you. Hence anybody and never learns(finds out) that is valid at you on soul and that you disturbs. Thus you care of own safety for anybody from your familiar cannot use against you the received information. Loading of a phenomenon to tell about itself and the problems to the stranger carry out consultations by phone of "trust". Such people, and it happens, enough frequently, never will dare to take advantage of an opportunity to come and talk, that refers to, " the person to face ". And then for such people correspondence consultations on a telephone hotline are possible(probable) only. They never can be presented. But never, not being represented, these people frequently and practically constantly use phone of "trust". The help rendered by him(it) by phone can be named safely irreplaceable.
But there is also other contingent of people. These people to not be afraid to be presented, to not be afraid safely to declare about the problems. They are not afraid to solve them not, and together, frequently they understand, that cannot independently solve them, therefore with the big hunting use phone. But at the same time such people do not burn with the desire to come and communicate to the adviser personally. Not because they to be afraid of something or do not want. Simply so it is convenient for them. What for to spend superfluous time for a campaign if it is possible to lift simply a tube and all to learn(find out). Basically it is working, that is borrowed(occupied) people. But it is a lot of among such people and those who rather superficially concerns to those or other questions. They consider, that in it there is nothing complex(difficult) and all can be solved literally during several words and minutes. For the reference(manipulation) of a similar sort phone is necessary means.
Phone of "trust" is irreplaceable at the decision of those or other problems for people which by virtue of the objective reasons cannot come for reception of internal consultation, despite of sharp needs in it(her). Invalids, patients concern to them and older persons, persons of old age. Frequently happens, that the young woman, in view of necessity of care of the newborn either juvenile child or children cannot come. In breaks between a permanent care of children, their feeding, washing, cleaning, preparation of food, chronic lack of dream, she(it) not only has no time, but it(she) frequently does not have forces what to gather and get out for reception of consultation. In fact that circumstance joins this also, that, as a rule, the child or could not be left children. If mother all the same ventures to take the child with itself it any more(not so) consultation, and continuous desire of both, and the adviser and advised somewhat quicker to leave, because the child, as a rule, prevents both. It(he) or is capricious - unfamiliar conditions, " aunts and the uncle ", or to it(him) something becomes urgent necessary, just during the most improper moment, for example, departure of natural needs. It(he) starts to cry, and everyone start to hurry up. Clearly, that at such haste of anything good from such meeting will fail. In this case to the woman much more conveniently simply to call and learn(call and find out) everything, that it is necessary for it(her).
It is impossible to overestimate value of phone of "trust" for rendering assistance to such layers of the population as invalids, patients and older persons, persons of old age. These people by virtue of the state of health and age also cannot come. It is very difficult for them. Many cannot leave from a house without extraneous support at all. It is impossible to forget a case when the woman - invalid constantly consulted at the lawyer concerning collecting the damage caused to its(her) health as a result of road and transport incident. Consultations of it(her) were numerous. She(it) in detail told in what instances she(it) addressed, what applications(statements) of the maintenance(contents) she(it) submitted. In full details it was known about a course of trial. And it were not simply its(her) stories, but conversations with it(her) were accompanied by the next advice(councils). It is uneasy to understand, that to it(her) it would be immeasurably more difficult there will be no at it(her) near at hand phone, there will be no at it(her) an opportunity to take advantage of phone of "trust". It has turned out so, that she(it) has actually received legal support in consideration of the affair with the help of phone of "trust". Other lonely aged woman deprived of attention and love on the part of the son, constantly addressed to the psychologist on phone of "trust" to receive the help in adjustment of contacts to the son and the decision of disputed situations. At first sight those disputed situations which became the reason of its(her) references(manipulations), can seem petty and even silly that is why not worth attention, however, for it(her) at will of a case, the prisoner in four walls, they grew in problems of extreme scales. After numerous consultations of the psychologist she(it), at last, could realize, that they are necessary for it(her) and from it, the sincere condition of her(it) becomes much quieter. In many respects for it(her) consultations by phone of "trust" with the psychologist became similar to something ordinary and obligatory.
Here it is necessary to note one of can to be the most important functions of phone of "trust" is a granting an opportunity it will be uttered. Recently our world becomes more and more fast. People all time somewhere hurry up. Someone hurries up to make more, another tries to earn more, the third hastens to get at once in some places and to communicate as it is possible with a plenty of people. And on all this time and for all this is necessary for time, just, and does not suffice. Then the person managing smaller quantity(amount) of time tries to capture the greater. And not Does not understand to it(him), that quality, quality of dialogue with relatives, quality of the executed work, work in this case suffers. Not casually therefore despite of external technical progress when fast machines, computers, phones give us to get ready everywhere and to carry out much more than it was done(made) by our grandmothers and grandfathers, we lose of heat and sincerity of human attitudes(relations). We the attitude(relation) are schematically, finished with a level of mechanical dialogue. There is no in them a kindness and the present(true) participation in destiny of people close to us. All is somehow superficial, hastily. And already the son or the daughter once again not that to come to parents, but also cannot call. It is no time them, because at present there are at them more important affairs and people. In result parents feel like lonely, to nobody necessary. Look back, reflect, as it is a lot of among you lonely people. Is also such which are lonely not under the marital status, and are lonely in family. Simply because, up to them anybody does not have an affair, even to members of family which however and under the law are obliged to care of the members of family - parents, children, the spouse about the spouse and on the contrary. At such people deficiency of dialogue is sharply felt, him(it) at all to whom to talk on souls. In this case or is not present a number(line) of the native person, or it(he) like and a number(line), but actually is not present it(him).
And then the person calls by phone of "trust", asks the psychologist for granting consultation, and speaks, speaks, speaks … It just for what actually and it is created, in many respects, phone of "trust" - granting of an opportunity will be uttered. Paradox though psychologists for a long time know this phenomenon, and for them it is quite normal, but for the majority of people, the opportunity will be uttered and there is a decision of those or other personal problems. Imagine, frequently it happens so, that is not necessary any advice(councils), simply enough is close(attentive) with partnership to listen and all by it self becomes on the places. The person himself finds in itself forces and opportunities independently to solve all problems. Also there is all so simply. However all seems simple only at first sight, but it is far from being so, in fact to listen too it is necessary to be able. And to listen not simply for the sake of curiosity, not coldly and is discharged, namely with participation and sincere attention. The person when understands, that listen to it(him), that there is still someone to whom it not only is interesting, but it(he) understands it(him) and takes all problems to heart as the then only such opportunity to be uttered and eat with simplification, and is the help. It is not without reason spoken, that there is an art to listen. It is necessary to note, that very much frequently you hear on that end of a telephone wire: " I so spoke you much. Thanks the big that have listened to me. I to you have told all also to me already more easy. " And in fact, appear, it has not been made anything especial, it has not been given any concrete advice(council), it is simply patient and with attention have listened. As it is not enough sometimes people it is necessary that it was good them. But, unfortunately, human callousness generates indifference and loneliness of people. To overcome this indifference and loneliness in many respects our phone of "trust" helps.
Practically all consultations begin with a telephone hotline. Taking into account all listed features it(he) bears(carries) the basic advisory loading. Only after the person has taken advantage of him(it), it(he) can, if will want itself, to come and receive consultation from the expert on reception. Sometimes people do not trust phone, basically, though it and happens less often. Then they prefer to address and ask about personal reception. But is all the same $ more often all over again addressed calls, and then comes. Cases when people come at once are absolutely rare. Such practice took place at an initial stage of our work.
Basically constant visitors use internal consultations. Those who any more for the first time addresses for consultations to experts. As, the rule, is among them and people which, just, do not trust phone and prefer to talk alone to the person. Many of these people simply should see the interlocutor, his(its) eyes, a look, his(its) reaction. To such people internal consultations of experts are vital.
It is necessary to note the important circumstance which characterizes also consultations on phone of "trust" and internal consultations. They are united with a generality of principles on which these consultations are based.
Basic bases of consultations consist in the following:
- Consultations are carried out(spent) free-of-charge;
- Addressed at desire can remain the unknown person, i.e. to be anonymous;
- Confidentiality of consultations is guaranteed;
- Consultations are carried out(spent) for all layers of the population, is not dependent on age and a social status;
Right at the beginning of work of Club all addressing to us behind consultations asked each time: " And consultation will cost how many? " Or: " And you will not send the check to us? " We explained all, that at us in Club of consultation are carried out(spent) free-of-charge. There are the invalids from year to year addressing only on a telephone hotline whom experts already learn(find out) on a voice, but never saw them. As a rule, all references(manipulations) in Club in the beginning go, as anonymous, but in a consequence is found out, that those who has originally wished to remain the unknown person, already dare to be presented.
So on a telephone hotline behind consultation to the psychologist of Club the woman has anonymously addressed. She(it) has told that it(she) in family had not favorable conditions. She(it) does not work, there are houses in holiday on care of the small child. In its(her) opinion, she(it) absolutely means nothing for the husband, it(he) at all does not reckon with its(her) opinion, it(he) listens only to that associates will tell. It oppressing operates on it(her). She(it) any more does not want to live with the person who does not pay attention that she(it) speaks to which it is not interesting about what she(it) thinks. For the beginning, the psychologist of Club it has advised it(her) to be convinced, that it not at all so. Has recommended to the woman to not undertake yet active actions, and before to try to solve this problem in more comprehensible way. Has prompted the woman an output(exit) from the created position, namely that to it(her) to speak and as itself to a message in dialogue with the husband what to explain for itself a developed situation. Has advised to not hurry up with conclusions and itself to be convinced that she(it) deeply is mistaken concerning the husband. And appeared actually. After a while the woman has again called the psychologist and has thanked, for the rendered help. This consultation of the psychologist has helped the woman the good and amicable family will be convinced that she(it) has near to herself the loving(liking), careful husband, that at it(her). And it is very important. In a consequence when in this family there were problems, they addressed in Club for consultations both to the lawyer and to the psychologist, but already under the name.
It is one of examples of work of Club, but each time when there are similar situations, consultations of experts are directed first of all on preservation of family.
In itself work of a telephone hotline has been conceived that citizens would have an opportunity to receive consultation of the expert not leaving from a house, not leaving(abandoning) a workplace to discuss the problem keeping Secret is there was a good idea.
Thus confidentiality of the information which acts is completely kept. Everyone addressed can be absolutely confident that nobody learns(finds out) about with what it(he) has addressed to us. Nobody learns(finds out) who to us has addressed. This principle not only is basic in our work, but it(he) also provides safety issues for addressed. But also, only at strict observance of it(him) we can speak about that trust which is shown to us with people. Besides confidentiality of our work frequently is the basic criterion in a choice of the client to whom to address. She(it) plays a main role at definition of the person where to address, to us or at once to go in any other establishment. When it becomes known that at us the principle of confidentiality of the received information is strictly observed that from our expert she(it) will not leave anywhere then the choice unequivocally comes only aside references(manipulations) to us.
Thus the spectrum of references(manipulations) and addressed is very wide. We cannot tell, that to us any concrete group of the population addresses, no, it is different layers of a society. And we count it a good parameter as in this question we do not do(make) distinction.
Except for granting consultations the Club conducts work in other not less important directions which again are directed on increase of a level of social security of the Civil rights of citizens and other persons. In this sense, it is represented to us, people of accessible, free-of-charge services necessary granting on various directions.
One of such is work on granting to people of the free-of-charge information. With this purpose the Resource center of Club works for us. (see a heading our Resource Center).
The club is engaged also in sexual education of citizens and other persons. So, we distribute the information materials transferred(handed) to us by Ministry of Health of Turkmenistan about preventive maintenance of a HIV, AIDS, the illnesses transmitted in the sexual way.
Since 1999 Ashgabat Club " Ynam " is a constant member of Working Group under the Legislation on protection of the rights of refugees and persons looking for refuges of Supervising group of Conference of the CIS. Within the framework of this work the Club takes part in annual conferences and the meetings organized by Working Group, creation of a site of group in the Internet.
Members of Club accept active participation in work of numerous trainings, conferences, exchange and training programs, meetings on an exchange of experience, etc. This work borrows(occupies) in our activity not less great value as brings many new knowledge and helps to adjust our work at higher professional level. (See a heading " the Exchange of experience ")