

Asgabat club


Our history

The history of creation of Club began on May, 3, 1996. Some women were united for creation Ashgabat of female Club " AYAL ". Initially the Club was created as the organization which activity is directed on increase of a level of social security and the Civil rights of women of Turkmenistan. But during initial activity appeared, that the idea of work of Club only for women is not absolutely true, as for consultations in Club began to address and men and women, people from various layers of the population, is not dependent on a social status. Therefore, when documents for official registration of Club in the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan have been developed, organizers of Club were available not only for creation of the organization which activity is directed on rendering of the free-of-charge advisory help for all citizens of Turkmenistan, but also hence, to change of the name of Club.
As a result of numerous disputes and discussions by all members of Club, came to the general(common) opinion that the name of Club should be other. This name should be brief, capacious, and it in a word should display main principles of creation and activity of Club. Taking into account, that initially the Club was created for granting consultations of the psychologist and the lawyer to women on phone of "trust" and at internal meetings all understood, that granting of such consultations probably, have sat there are confidential attitudes(relations) between addressing and members of Club. Then not yet long work of Club has confirmed, that we work at presence of trust to us on the part of people. All have understood, that work of the organization can be under construction only on trust to it(her). And then unanimously came to opinion what the word "Trust" and is that key word which explains essence of the organization. This word should be born in the name of our organization. After that members of Club have decided to address in the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan with the request for registration of public association under name Ashgabat Club " Ynam " ("Trust").
On September, 22, 1997 in the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan our organization has received the state registration as Ashgabat Club " Ynam ". The certificate on the state registration for ¹ 0134 has been given. The new name of Club began to fully comply with the purposes and problems(tasks) of the organization in a direction of the work, dictated by the life.
For that citizens would know about activity of Club, we had been made and published clauses(articles) in the newspaper " Neutral Turkmenistan " from February, 8, 1997 and from November, 13, 1997. Names of clauses(articles): " If in time to help. " And " Hello, the telephone hotline listens … ". By the state radio small interview about our Club in which the phone number of trust has been sounded has been transferred(handed). And as on the state TV transfer on a theme has been shown: " That such NPO? ", In which by the example of our Club to people it was explained, that it for the organizations for what they exist and than are engaged. In transfer by running line the phone number of "trust" of Club has been transferred(handed). On the part of the state Committee on TV and broadcasting of Turkmenistan this telecast became the big support not only for our Club, but also for those citizens for whom our work was necessary. Besides it, advertisements on work of Club have been published in newspapers " Neutral Turkmenistan " and " the Advertising bulletin ". After such advertising the much more quantity(amount) of people has learned(has found out) about an opportunity of reception of free-of-charge consultations of the psychologist and the lawyer. The stream addressing on phone of "trust" and simply visitors has increased. Now about work of Club it is known to much already so, that the Club already for a long time is not engaged in advertising of own activity. Our Club does not require such volume of advertising any more as about Club already knows the big circle of people. Besides people each other transfer our coordinates.
Despite of it, our organization had no constant premise(room). Frequently we had to wander literally from one premise(room) in another. It brought the certain harm. In fact that there is no constant place, the premise (room) was necessary to change frequently. Work stopped. People lost our coordinates, and then on a new place all fell again. With the request in cities Hjakimlik about granting to us premises (rooms) therefore have decided to address. Our request has been satisfied. In March, 1999 Hyakimlik cities of Ashgabat has given to Club a basement in the size of 130 square meters on the rights of rent. Cost of rent of a premise (room) has been appointed on favorable terms. The city telephone exchange has given to Club a separate telephone line for work of phone of "trust". It was strong support to Club on the part of the state.
Not less important help has been rendered to our organization by fund of the Know-how of Embassy of the Great Britain in Turkmenistan. The decision on purchase and the full equipment of a premise (room) for Club was accepted. At support of the specified fund on November, 18, 1999 on the rights of a private property to the real estate the Club had been got a premise (room) under office. Also repair of a premise (room) has been made; office equipment and furniture are got. It is necessary to note that circumstance, that realization of this project is the unique phenomenon on all space of former Soviet Union. In one country CIS of public organization do not get a premise (room). And only in Turkmenistan it became possible (probable).
On February, 4, 2000 Advisory Center "Ynam" was open at support of Embassy of the Great Britain in Turkmenistan and the Bureau on Granting Consultations to Citizens of United Kingdom. In a new premise (room) the City telephone exchange has given to Club two separate telephone lines which work and until now. The city help service 09 distributes our phone number of "trust". Since this moment and on this time Club " Ynam " works in this premise (room). That circumstance, that Club has on the right of a private property a premise (room) for work, is a major factor of his (its) stability.
We count, that quite deservedly we can attribute (relate) purchase of office for Club to our achievements, in fact it too stages of our way of development .Think , - the Club was originally placed in small room with a toilet in a basement which has been given to us free-of-charge by other public organization " Association Chernobyl's of Turkmenistan ". From this point of view the Association has acted in relation to us as the sponsor. However, after this premise (room) has been transferred (handed) to other organization, we also have been compelled to leave (abandon) and this room. Then have moved in other cellar. All these crossings (moving) had an adverse effect on work of the organization. Besides only physically it is difficult to move from a place to a place, but also our visitors lost track of us. At crossings (moving) the phone number of "trust" varies also. Long time was necessary for spending wishing to address, for example, behind the help to the psychologist to find us on a new place, or to learn(find out) a new phone number of trust. So could proceed rather for a long time if city Hjakimlik has not allocated to us a premise (room) in a cellar. It was strong support on the part of official body, so the states which is difficult for overestimating. And we shall always remember it with the greatest gratitude. And already purchase of a premise (room) in the property has allowed speaking safely about a strong material resources of the organization, but more all that taking the constant location; we facilitate an opportunity of the reference (manipulation) to us people. Thus at a toilet the Club has got out of a small room in the stationary, constant equipped premise (room). At us the material resources as our office thus has appeared.
After crossing (moving) the legal address of the organization also has changed. In this connection there was a necessity of modification for the Charter of the organization. As all changes in the Charter are subject to obligatory registration in the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan the Club has addressed with the application (statement) for registration of changes in the Charter and according to a re-registration.
According to the new Law of Turkmenistan " About public associations " from 21 Garashsyzlyk (October, 2003) and necessity of modification for the Charter, connected with change of the legal address, the Club has addressed with the corresponding application(statement) in Ministry Adalat of Turkmenistan. According to the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan from 1Ruhnama (September, 2003) the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan has been transformed into Ministry Adalat of Turkmenistan. All powers of the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan have been transferred (handed) to it (him). Our organization has passed a re-registration.
Ashgabat Club " Ynam " has received the Certificate on the state registration of public association for ¹0008 from 18 Baydak (February, 2004) and already at this number has been brought in the Uniform State Register of the Enterprises and the Organizations of Turkmenistan (EGRPO). The Certificate on registration in the Uniform State Register of the Enterprises and the Organizations for ¹ 25424186 from 19 dates Gurbansoltan (April, 2004) is given. Now the new Charter of Club with all changes, including with the new legal address is accepted.
The purposes and problems (tasks) of Club have remained constant, as well as have been conceived initially.
As before Club "Ynam " continues the work for the blessing of a society.
Contact addresses of Club look in a heading " our contacts ".